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Betting on Myself While the Inside Voice Says Otherwise

Betting on Myself While the Inside Voice Says Otherwise

Last week, we entered serious lease contract negotiations with the landlord for the property in Altadena.

“Hemera’s Bench is a high-risk proposition. However, we are willing to explore further,” they said. “Under no circumstance do we want delays due to lack of funding.”

Hearing those words, I couldn’t help but feel crushed. While the landlord was just stating the facts, it felt like a blow to my confidence, as if all the hard work and perseverance I’ve put into this business wasn’t enough to prove my worthiness. I know I shouldn’t take it personally, but it’s hard not to.

The last 4.5 years have been incredibly challenging, running a food business that started as a frozen pie stand right at the beginning of the pandemic. I was supposed to launch with ready-to-eat pies, but the pandemic forced a quick pivot to frozen options. I had to learn everything on the fly—from bookkeeping to payroll taxes and managing the disappointment of no-show interview candidates. It’s been hard, and some days I wake up with a pit in my stomach, feeling like the weight of it all might be too much.

To add to the pressure, the fundraise effort isn’t going as well as I anticipated. Granted, it’s only been 5 days with little marketing effort behind it, but it’s triggering a wave of anxiety, and I’m actively managing that. My parents taught me to never ask for help, but for the sake of betting on myself, I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and telling you that I’m bet-worthy! I plan to take this company to a $10M+ entity in the next 15 years, and I want you to bet on me too.

So, if you’re able to support, whether through a donation or by pre-ordering a gift card, it would mean the world to me. Every bit helps as we work towards raising $150k to make this dream a reality. Thank you so much for your support and belief in me!

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